Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector


Intel® Trace Analyzer and Collector 2017 is a graphical tool for understanding MPI application behavior, quickly finding bottlenecks, improving correctness, and achieving high performance for parallel cluster applications based on Intel® architecture. Improve weak and strong scaling for small and large applications with Intel® Trace Analyzer and Collector.


  • Visualize and understand parallel application behavior
  • Evaluate profiling statistics and load balancing
  • Analyze performance of subroutines or code blocks
  • Learn about communication patterns, parameters, and performance data
  • Identify communication hotspots
  • Decrease time to solution and increase application efficiency
versions 2017 Update 2, 9.1
website Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector
help Intel Trace User and Reference Guide
Collector: (HTML|PDF), Analyzer:(HTML|PDF)